What’s the difference
We strive to give legal advice in simple language. We do not use big, complicated and seemingly meaningless words when speaking to you. It is simple and straight forward. If you need all the shades and subtleties explained, of course we will do it for you. Just not everybody wants to hear it.
Everybody wants the job done.
We will invest in your case all that we have: time and skills. We do not have the cash or huge overdraft. To put in the perspective: investing €100 in 100 cases means freezing €10,000 for the time the case is in being. There is usually €400 – €700 needed to fund a case. Of course I could organise finance. But it is the Client, YOU, who will pay the cost of this loan. It will, no two ways about that, be added to your bill.
That brings me to the second issue. The money.
1. We talk straight. There is no difficulties with telling you “how much”. Just ask.
2. We want to help. That’s how we make our living.
3. You need legal advice. Seriously. You may not realise, you may hope it will go away but a stitch in time…
4. A phone call to find out if we can help costs nothing (depending on the price plan you are on). Perhaps we can sort out your problem with one or two quick answers on the phone? Call us.
5. Short consultation is €50. Just like a GP visit. That’s it. Not a fortune, is it?
6. In this consultation we will do our best to give you the advice you need. You may not like the advice, not everything goes your way, but at least we will be honest with you. If we cannot help you right there and then, we will tell you how much it will cost. Or at least give you an estimate, as precise as possible, of how much it will cost you.
7. In any event, you will know more after those 20 minutes.
Do not be afraid: you will not be hit with a huge, hefty bill for a chit chat.