Thank you very much for visiting our website. We hope to be able to help you get proper compensation for your injury.

Our FIXED FEE PERSONAL INJURY CASE will only cost you €800+vat (€984). There will also be the cost of a medical report, which we hope the get you back at the end of the case (please see full Terms and Conditions)

In order to start a new case, we need some information. You can either visit us and speak to one of our solicitors or complete the questionnaire below so that we can get started immediately.   Your data is completely secure with us.

If you do not have a scanner, you can use a scanning application on your phone (e.g. Microsoft Lens, Adobe Scan, Document Scanner) or bring the documents to us.

Please note that you only have two years from the time of the injury to start a case. Please do not delay and talk to us as soon as possible – no strings attached We should notify the person responsible for the accident that you intend to claim compensation from within a month from the accident, but this may be delayed in some cases (e.g. when there is a fear of losing your job). If you have any questions, we are here to help.